Countless people across the United States are edentulous (missing all their teeth). Among them, many choose to get traditional dentures, which are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. However, they come with some major downsides. Fortunately, most patients are candidates for a better option: implant dentures! Continue reading below to learn how this treatment could allow you to achieve a strong and confident smile, and then get in touch with Kobza Dental to request a consultation. We are eager to serve you!
Dental implants are small posts made of medical-grade titanium. When they are surgically inserted into the jawbone, they bond with the surrounding tissue. As a result, they are able to act as prosthetic tooth roots. They can support crowns, bridges, and dentures.
There are different types of implant dentures. Depending on the details of your case, we may recommend that you receive either a fixed denture or a removable one.
These are permanently affixed to the implants that support them; they can only be removed with the assistance of a dental professional. Many patients like this option because they want to enjoy the convenience of having their teeth in their mouth 24/7. However, fixed implant dentures typically require more posts and therefore greater jawbone density than their removable counterparts.
A full removable implant denture can usually be supported by 2 – 5 dental implants. These prosthetics simply snap onto and off of small attachments on top of the dental implants, which allows for easy oral hygiene and maintenance. This option is popular among patients who have lost some bone density in their jaw.
The implant dentures procedure takes place across several months and involves four main stages of treatment:
Most patients with extensive tooth loss can qualify for implant dentures, either right away or after some preparatory treatment. Therefore, it is worth your time to attend a consultation even if you are not sure if this procedure is right for you. Generally speaking, candidates for implant dentures:
Implant dentures offer multiple advantages: