Replacing even one missing tooth is important to retain the shape and fit of the bite, speak clearly, and chew a variety of foods. When patients have lost numerous teeth, an effective restoration plan is even more important. Removable and implant-retained dentures allow our team to fully restore smiles for patients suffering from advanced tooth loss. Contact Kobza Dental to schedule a tooth replacement consultation today. Our Falls City dental team will walk you through all of your restoration options and create a personalized denture plan to flawlessly recreate your unique smile.
Both partial and full dentures use a gum-colored base material to support numerous replacement teeth as part of a single prosthetic. Partials are crafted to fit between remaining healthy teeth. The custom crafted partial denture is then snapped into place with metal clasps attached to the surrounding teeth.
The base of a full denture is shaped to fit against the gum line. When properly crafted, a snug fit creates suction that holds the full row of teeth in place. It’s important that these dentures fit properly to ensure optimal function, so don’t hesitate to contact our team to schedule a denture exam. We’ll evaluate your prosthetic and make adjustments as needed to keep you smiling.
Removable dentures restore about 20% of a person’s chewing ability. This is a dramatic improvement in dental function for someone who is missing some or all of their teeth. However, dental implant tooth replacement options restore 70% or more of natural chewing function.
The dental implant posts are inserted into the gums where they mimic the root structure of lost teeth. They fuse with the gums and supportive bone tissue, creating a natural feeling and functioning anchor for the replacement teeth. Dental implant posts also stimulate the jaw to preserve natural bone density and gum tissue volume, helping a patient retain a more youthful appearance.
Learn More About Dental Implants
Each denture is uniquely crafted to meet a specific patient’s needs, but regardless of the denture, the process is fairly similar. We begin with a consultation to discuss all of your tooth replacement options, the cost of dentures, and schedule your treatment appointments. During your initial treatment visit, we may need to remove one or more teeth, address any oral health issues like gum disease, or complete other preparatory services.
At the next visit, we’ll capture X-rays, photos, and bite impressions. We will use this diagnostic information to design a custom prosthetic that looks, feels, and functions just like your natural smile. Our denture design is then sent to a trusted lab where your custom prosthetic is crafted. Once we receive this partial or full prosthetic, you’ll return to the office to try on your denture. If it fits well, you’re all set. If for any reason the denture is not comfortable, we’ll need to send it back for adjustment. Patients who opt for dental implant-supported dentures may need to schedule one or more additional appointments in order to place the implant posts.
Patients with removable dentures will need to use a minimally abrasive toothpaste and ultra soft bristled toothbrush to clean their denture at least once each day. Additionally, the soft tissue needs to be cleaned to avoid gum disease and other oral health issues. For this, you can brush the gums or use an antimicrobial mouth rinse. Removable partial and full dentures should be stored in cold water or cleansing fluid when not in use. Fixed dentures should be brushed at least twice a day just like natural teeth. Both removable and fixed denture wearers will need to visit the dentist at least two times each year. During these visits, we’ll examine the prosthetic to ensure it still fits and functions well.
We take the time to ensure that the prosthetics that we provide to our patients are tailored to them. This versatility makes our dentures better than the competition—however, it also means that there are several factors to consider when pricing out a new prosthetic.
That said, there’s one thing that you can be certain of: we’ll work with you to find an option for your prosthetic that fits your budget. Until then, here’s what you should know.
If you’re trying to figure out how to make dentures fit into your budget, there are a few things that you should think about. For one, if you need to have a tooth extracted before you get your prosthetic, that can add to the overall cost of your treatment. You should also consider what kinds of materials your dentures will be made of—some acrylics are more expensive than others.
While some options are more expensive than others, it’s important to know that you get what you pay for, and that the cheapest option may not always be the best one for you.
Implant dentures can be an excellent way to get the coverage that dentures offer while enjoying the strength and permanence of a dental implant. Because you’re investing in both dental implants and dentures, implant dentures do cost more upfront—however, the fact that dental implants last considerably longer than dentures on their own means that you may save money in the long run.
Dentures can make a dramatic difference in the health and happiness of people who are missing teeth. For that reason, most dental plans will be willing to cover around 50% of the cost of the prosthetic so long as it’s deemed to be medically necessary.
Of course, every plan is different, so we’ll work with your insurance company to make sure that you get the most out of your benefits.
However, not everyone has insurance. If you fall into that camp, there are plenty of options that can make care a little more affordable for you.
For one, we’re currently offering a special on dental implant consultations, which can be great for people who are interested in implant dentures. We also have an in-house membership plan that provides patients with complimentary services and a 15% discount on other care that they receive from us. Even if you aren’t interested in that, we have an ongoing policy to offer a 5% discount to those who pay in full with cash or personal checks.
Finally, we work with CareCredit to offer our patients financing services to break their care into smaller segments. We’ll handle the paperwork for you so that you can afford care that may be too pricey to afford out-of-pocket.
Dentures in Falls City have been used for generations to restore beautiful, functional smiles. Although they are tried and proven, it’s normal to have a few questions about the road ahead. Don’t worry, Dr. Kobza will explain everything during your denture consultation to feel 100% confident in your decision. Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions to ease any anxieties until your appointment.
Every tooth is crucial to a healthy, beautiful smile, which is why your denture dentist in Falls City, Dr. Kobza, strives to preserve each one. Unfortunately, certain situations may require the removal of a tooth, such as in cases of severe infection or trauma. Patients who have significantly damaged or several missing teeth may benefit from extractions. It can be more cost-effective to remove and replace them with dentures than it can be to repair any remaining teeth. There’s not a limit to the number that can be removed in a single visit; however, some cases are more complex than others. Dr. Kobza will explain all your options and what you can expect during your consultation.
Depending on your degree of tooth loss, partials, full dentures, or implant dentures can rehabilitate your smile. A partial can fill the spaces of missing teeth while a full denture treats an entire arch. Besides a traditional denture, you can also benefit from an implant-supported option. Generally, patients who have good oral and general health are candidates for tooth replacement; however, Dr. Kobza will perform a thorough examination to determine the best option for you. If any concerns are found, like infection or bone loss, they’ll have to be treated before moving forward with dentures. Although prep-work may add a few more steps to your treatment plan, a healthy smile is crucial to the long-term success of your dentures.
Dentures have undergone various improvements to enhance their fit, function, and appearance. They are made of durable material to withstand the pressure of biting and chewing to serve as your natural teeth. Although you’ll be able to eat many of your favorite foods again, dentures have their limitations. It’s best to avoid anything that’s hard or chewy to safeguard against any unnecessary wear and tear. Traditional dentures can also be dislodged by eating sticky foods. Whether you have a partial, denture, or implant-supported option, cut chewy meats into smaller pieces to make them easier to chew and digest. Don’t forget to rinse your dentures after eating.
Tooth loss can cause your facial tissues to sag, creating an aged and sunken appearance. Dentures will provide the tissues with support to instantly turn back the clock to restore a youthful appearance. However, if your dentures don’t fit correctly, they may not give your facial muscles the proper support. Dr. Kobza can perform the necessary adjustments to restore optimal fit to enjoy a youthful smile.
When you first get your dentures in Falls City, you’ll be asked to keep them in your mouth for an entire 24 hours, including sleep. However, it’s strongly recommended that you take them out every evening after that initial period. Wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, leading to soft tissue irritation and possibly speeding up ridge resorption. By removing your appliances nightly, you allow your gums to recover and get the nutrients they need during the night. Additionally, sleeping with dentures is associated with poor oral hygiene and a higher risk of pneumonia.
If you need to have teeth pulled before getting dentures, you’ll likely experience some discomfort following your oral surgery. Luckily, you can easily manage your symptoms by taking your pain medication as directed and using a cold compress. Your side effects should gradually improve within three to five days of your procedure. It’s worth noting that you may also experience discomfort when you first receive your prosthetics. Of course, it should go away once you adjust to your dentures. If the pain persists or worsens, contact Dr. Kobza right away. It could indicate your appliances are ill-fitting or there’s an underlying oral health issue that needs to be addressed.
Initially, you’ll have difficulty speaking with your new dentures because you’re so used to talking with your natural teeth. Although your first instinct might be to speak as little as possible to hide your lisp, it will go away much quicker the more you practice. You can speed up the adjustment process by reading aloud, repeating difficult-to-pronounce words, and having more conversations with loved ones. If your dentures move around while you talk, you can use denture adhesive for some extra stability.
As a denture wearer, you probably already know that your dentures must be brushed and rinsed every day. However, you shouldn’t use toothpaste to do it. It’s abrasive and can leave tiny scratches on the surface of your prosthetics. It may seem minor, but it can seriously damage your false teeth over time. You also should avoid using a hard-bristled toothbrush to clean your oral appliances. Make sure you always use a soft-bristled toothbrush and hand soap or mild dishwashing liquid!