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When Should You Change Your Dentures? Look for These 4 Signs

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kobazdentalteam @ 1:17 pm
An older man talking to his dentist about his dentures

Have you been living in pain for some time because of your dentures? While the prosthetics are a convenient way to restore your mouth to working order, they do have a shelf life. However, it can be hard to know when the durability of your dentures is at an end.

Continue reading to learn the top four signs that your dentures need replacing. This will ensure you’re informed and can take the next step by contacting your dentist if need be.

1. Your Dentures Are Loose or Falling Out Frequently

A well-fitting pair of dentures should remain securely in place during everyday activities such as eating and talking. If you’re experiencing loose dentures or they’re falling out of your mouth, it’s a sign that they require adjustment or replacement.

While denture adhesive can provide a temporary solution, it’s not a long-term fix. Ill-fitting dentures have been linked to several conditions including sores on your gums and an increased chance of oral cancer.

2. Your Gums Are Uncomfortable or Irritated

Well-maintained and properly fitting dentures should not cause pain or discomfort. If you experience discomfort while chewing or notice any gum issues such as sores or lesions, it’s crucial to consult a dentist promptly for denture refitting or replacement.

Oftentimes, this discomfort is caused by the dentures rubbing against your gums. This can happen due to your jawbone changing shape over time. Because you’re lacking some or all of your teeth, the bone will deform, and your dentures will no longer fit properly.

3. You Find it Harder to Speak

Difficulty in clear speech is often linked to ill-fitting dentures. If your dentures are loose, you might notice slurred speech or a “squelching” sound when talking.

These types of speech impediments are common when you first obtain your dentures. However, if you’ve had them for a while, it may be time to think about going to your dentist for repair or adjustment.

4. You Find Damage on Your Dentures

Damaged dentures with chips, cracks, or loose teeth should be replaced. Discoloration, often caused by drinking dark-colored liquids like coffee, wine, or tea, can also be a reason to consider denture replacement.

Damaged dentures, especially, should be taken seriously. Continuing to use dentures that have cracked, or chipped could risk injury to your mouth. In addition, the stress applied to damaged dentures could cause them to break entirely, facilitating the need for complete replacement.

If you’re experiencing any of these flaws in your dentures, the time has come to replace them. It can be a tough decision, given the costs associated, but it is well worth the investment to ensure your comfort, safety, and working teeth.

About the Author

Dr. J. Travis Kobza has been providing trusted dental care for over 15 years. He earned his dental degree from the University of Nebraska Medical Center and completed a General Practice Residency program at UNMC Omaha. His dedication to excellence led to recognition with the “Outstanding Young Professional” award from the Nebraska Dental Association for his advocacy efforts. To schedule a denture consultation at Kobza Dental, P.C., call (402) 245-2243 or visit the website for more information.