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Getting Emergency Dental Care When You Don’t Have Insurance

September 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kobazdentalteam @ 6:42 am
woman with toothache and no dental insurance in Falls City

With you get a cut on your arm or if you catch a cold, your body will likely be able to heal itself in most cases. Unfortunately, the same doesn’t go for your smile. If you have a broken tooth or a tooth infection, the problem will just keep getting worse without professional intervention. Many people without dental insurance will put off seeking care for that cracked or painful tooth because they’re worried that the treatment will be too expensive. However, the longer the issue goes untreated, the more likely it is to get worse and more expensive! Luckily, emergency dental care doesn’t have to break the bank if you don’t have insurance coverage. Here’s what you need to know about treating a dental emergency when you don’t have dental insurance in Falls City.

How Much Does a Dental Emergency Cost to Treat?

There isn’t a set price for emergency dental care because each case is so unique. After all, treating a minorly chipped tooth will naturally have a different cost than addressing a serious dental infection! In order to get an estimate of how much your dental emergency will be, you’ll need to see your dentist for an emergency exam and evaluation. Compared to medical emergency visits, emergency dental appointments are relatively inexpensive! Then, once your dentist has examined you, they’ll review the services they recommend and their estimated prices. They’ll also go over your options for making your care affordable.

Saving Money On Emergency Dental Care Without Dental Insurance

Just because you don’t have dental insurance coverage doesn’t mean keeping your smile healthy in an emergency has to break the bank. You may consider looking for a nearby dental school with a clinic. Here, supervised students training to become dentists may offer reduced prices on dental care. Additionally, you may be able to find a local nonprofit clinic that specifically serves patients without dental insurance.

Alternatively, check to see what your dentist provides. They may have special offers on services or exams, or they may have flexible financing. Financing allows patients to choose from a variety of payment plans that breaks up the cost of their treatment into smaller monthly payments. Some dental offices have in-house savings plans that are specific to that practice you can sign up for. These often require a flat yearly or monthly fee and provide many of the same services as dental insurance, and more! In addition to routine preventive care, these plans often cover at least one emergency exam a year.

Dental issues can cause serious complications if left untreated. Don’t let your lack of dental insurance coverage put your oral health in jeopardy! Keep the above information in mind if you need to save money on emergency dental care.

About the Practice

At Kobza Dental, we work hard to help smiles of all ages in Falls City and the surrounding communities avoid dental emergencies. However, we’re well aware that life happens, which is why we offer same-day emergency appointments in our relaxing dental office. While we’re happy to accept many dental insurance policies, we also offer flexible third-party financing and our own in-house dental savings plan for people without dental insurance. We’re committed to helping you receive high-quality dental care that you can afford, so don’t hesitate to reach us online or at (402) 245-2243.